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NS0-120 Data ONTAP Advanced Part 3

From this sysstat output, what can you determine? (No other load is on the storage appliance

except the CIFS traffic shown.)

A. The storage appliance is overloaded.

B. The volume being written to is almost full.

C. The volume being written to is a 2-disk volume.

D. The volume being written to is an 8-disk volume.

Answer: C

Which of the following commands adds the share "netapp" to the /vol/vol2/home directory?

A. cifs shares -add netapp /vol/vol2/home

B. cifs shares -add /vol/vol2/home/netapp

C. cifs shares -add netapp /vol/vol2

D. None of the above

Answer: A

A new storage appliance is added to your network. Console access seems fine, and the storage

Appliance is not reporting any configuration issues. However:

* Data access to the storage appliance is very slow (both CIFS and NFS clients).

* Users are not complaining about slow response to other storage appliances.

* Moving the storage appliance to a different port on the switch doesn't help.

* Moving the storage appliance to a different switch doesn't help.

* Duplex and link settings are correct.

What's the most likely cause of the problem?

A. Bad switch

B. Bad network cable

C. Configuration issue on client workstation

D. Configuration issue on the storage appliance

Answer: B

You set up a new qtree on a storage appliance. The CIFS permissions on the qtree are everyone:

Full control. From your Windows workstation you migrate some files into the qtree. Your Windows

users can access the share, copy, edit, and delete files without issue. A root user on a Solaris

workstation attempts to mount the qtree through an existing mount and receives the "Access

Denied" message. The super user can mount other qtrees on the same volume. What's the most

likely cause of this issue?

A. NFS is turned off on the storage appliance.

B. The qtree has not been exported.

C. The user does not have permission on the qtree.

D. The qtree is  missing from the /etc /hosts file.

Answer: B

Which one of the following commands is most appropriate for troubleshooting a multiprotocol

authentication problem?

A. wcc

B. rdfile /etc/rc

C. priv set advanced

D. sysstat 1

Answer: A

What command is used to display the credentials the storage appliance has stored in memory for

A particular user account?

A. cifs

B. wcc

C. showcred

D. mem_disp

Answer: B

Which of the following items is NOT a resource for an NFS export?

A. volume

B. subnet

C. directory

D. qtree

Answer: B

Which of the following statements would NOT apply to an entry in the /etc/exports file regarding

exporting directories, qtrees, and volumes?

A. The storage appliance must export each volume separately.

B. The storage appliance must resolve host names.

C. The storage appliance can export ancestors and their descendants.

D. The storage appliance can restrict access by specific hosts.

Answer: D

The exportfs command runs on boot and exports the volumes and directories located in the

/etc/exports file.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Which command exports all the export entries listed in the etc/exports file, but ignores the options

specified for those entries?

A. exportfs -a

B. exportfs -u

C. exportfs -v

D. exportfs -i

Answer: D

Hard, soft, and threshold quotas are specified on disk blocks only.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

A quota target can be defined as _______________.

A. The maximum amount of disk space in a volume

B. The maximum number of files in a disk

C. A user, group, or qtree to which a quota is applied

D. A specific disk space threshold

Answer: C

Which of the following commands allows you to display quota usage?

A. quota on

B. quota report

C. quota run

D. quota setup

Answer: B

From this sysstat output, what can you determine? (No other load is on the storage applianceexcept the CIFS traffic shown.)A. The storage appliance is overloaded.B. The volume being written to is almost full.C. The volume being written to is a 2-disk volume.D. The volume being written to is an 8-disk volume.Answer: CWhich of the following commands adds the share "netapp" to the /vol/vol2/home directory?A. cifs shares -add netapp /vol/vol2/homeB. cifs shares -add /vol/vol2/home/netappC. cifs shares -add netapp /vol/vol2D. None of the aboveAnswer: AA new storage appliance is added to your network. Console access seems fine, and the storageAppliance is not reporting any configuration issues. However:* Data access to the storage appliance is very slow (both CIFS and NFS clients).* Users are not complaining about slow response to other storage appliances.* Moving the storage appliance to a different port on the switch doesn't help.* Moving the storage appliance to a different switch doesn't help.* Duplex and link settings are correct.What's the most likely cause of the problem?A. Bad switchB. Bad network cableC. Configuration issue on client workstationD. Configuration issue on the storage applianceAnswer: BYou set up a new qtree on a storage appliance. The CIFS permissions on the qtree are everyone:Full control. From your Windows workstation you migrate some files into the qtree. Your Windowsusers can access the share, copy, edit, and delete files without issue. A root user on a Solarisworkstation attempts to mount the qtree through an existing mount and receives the "AccessDenied" message. The super user can mount other qtrees on the same volume. What's the mostlikely cause of this issue?A. NFS is turned off on the storage appliance.B. The qtree has not been exported.C. The user does not have permission on the qtree.D. The qtree is  missing from the /etc /hosts file.Answer: BWhich one of the following commands is most appropriate for troubleshooting a multiprotocolauthentication problem?A. wccB. rdfile /etc/rcC. priv set advancedD. sysstat 1Answer: AWhat command is used to display the credentials the storage appliance has stored in memory forA particular user account?A. cifsB. wccC. showcredD. mem_dispAnswer: BWhich of the following items is NOT a resource for an NFS export?A. volumeB. subnetC. directoryD. qtreeAnswer: BWhich of the following statements would NOT apply to an entry in the /etc/exports file regardingexporting directories, qtrees, and volumes?A. The storage appliance must export each volume separately.B. The storage appliance must resolve host names.C. The storage appliance can export ancestors and their descendants.D. The storage appliance can restrict access by specific hosts.Answer: DThe exportfs command runs on boot and exports the volumes and directories located in the/etc/exports file.A. TrueB. FalseAnswer: AWhich command exports all the export entries listed in the etc/exports file, but ignores the optionsspecified for those entries?A. exportfs -aB. exportfs -uC. exportfs -vD. exportfs -iAnswer: DHard, soft, and threshold quotas are specified on disk blocks only.A. TrueB. FalseAnswer: BA quota target can be defined as _______________.A. The maximum amount of disk space in a volumeB. The maximum number of files in a diskC. A user, group, or qtree to which a quota is appliedD. A specific disk space thresholdAnswer: CWhich of the following commands allows you to display quota usage?A. quota onB. quota reportC. quota runD. quota setupAnswer: B

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