Which two actions remove key material? (Choose two.)
A. zeroization of DataFort with destruction of its System Card
B. deletion of all manually saved configdb files
C. deletion of all Recovery Key Archives
D. destruction of Admin Cards
Answer: A, B
Which three factors should be considered when determining the recommended number of
DataFort appliances for any given SAN environment? (Choose three.)
A. existing combined bandwidth
B. number of locations, both geographic and SAN islands
C. the host operating system
D. the number of devices written to
E. multipathing application
Answer: A, B, D
What should be avoided when designing the zone configuration used with DataFort?
A. the use of Port Mapped Cryptainer vaults for tape devices
B. two devices having the same WWN within a single fabric
C. the WWN of a single device existing in more than one zone
D. the use of LUN Mapped Cryptainer vaults for disk devices
Answer: B
DataFort allows signing of logs to verify _____. (Choose three.)
A. that a message is authentic
B. the source of a log message
C. the timestamp of a log message
D. that messages are going to the remote server
E. that the remote logging server has proper ACLs
Answer: A, B, C
Which FIPS certification does the FC520 have?
A. 140-2, Level 1
B. 140-2, Level 2
C. 140-2, Level 3
D. 140-2, Level 4
Answer: C
Which two devices in the diagram require paths through multiple DataFort appliances to maintain
path failover capabilities? (Choose two.)
A. Device A
B. Device B
C. Device C
D. Device D
E. Device E
Answer: A, E
Which three allow the use of WWN forwarding for Cryptainer creation? (Choose three.)
A. hard / port zones
B. soft / WWN zones
C. separate VSANs for DataFort host and storage ports
D. separate fabrics for DataFort host and storage ports
E. N port virtualization
Answer: A, C, D
Which two methods allow movement of keys to two standalone LKM servers/appliances (LKM1
and LKM2)? (Choose two.)
A. establish link between LKM1 and LKM2 appliances
B. register DataFort to both LKM servers and manually initiate a backup to LKM2
C. save the configdb manually from DataFort and import the configdb onto LKM2
D. translate the keys from LKM1 to LKM2 using a quorum of Recovery Cards
Answer: A, B
Which three statements are true about the DataFort appliance's remote logging capabilities?
(Choose three.)
A. All DataFort logs can be configured to be sent to a remote Windows-based server.
B. The DataFort will retain all critical log entries until manually cleared by a full admin.
C. DataFort log storage locations can be configured from the GUI or the CLI.
D. DataFort logging can be configured to be sent to a remote syslog server.
Answer: A, C, D
In a storage network environment, what are two advantages of using encryption in the application
on the host? (Choose two.)
A. greater granularity
B. faster performance
C. more secure keys in system memory
D. greater data encryption across the entire network
Answer: A, D
Which two defense setting changes are allowed in DataFort? (Choose two.)
A. Basic to Medium
B. Basic to High
C. High to Medium
D. High to Basic
Answer: A, B
Which two DataFort configurations require you to configure a switch with port zoning instead of
WWN zoning? (Choose two.)
A. LUN Mapped Cryptainer vaults on an FC-Series DataFort with host virtualization turned OFF
B. Port Mapped Cryptainer vaults with no port-forwarding on a single device attached to an FC
Series DataFort with host virtualization turned OFF
C. Port Mapped Cryptainer vaults with no port-forwarding on multiple devices attached to an FC-
Series DataFort with host virtualization turned ON
D. Port Mapped and port-forwarded Cryptainer vaults on a single device with port-forwarding
attached to an FC-Series DataFort with host virtualization turned OFF
E. Port Mapped with port-forwarding Cryptainer vaults on an FC-Series DataFort for devices
connected to a Fibre Channel switch that supports WWN duplication on different ports
Answer: D, E
How do you capture log and configuration information for a DataFort?
A. Use the Config Info button on the Backup page of the WebUI
B. Use the Config Info button on the Status page of the WebUI
C. Use the CLI system config show command
D. Use the CLI system util techdump os command
Answer: D
Which two factors should be considered when examining the flow of data through an existing
customer infrastructure? (Choose two.)
A. duplicate paths to a single device
B. copper versus fiber optic cable
C. hard versus soft zoning
D. backend replication paths
Answer: A, D
If your disk array will support 150 MB/s, approximately how long will it take you to complete the
Encrypt Empty Disk Task on 100TB of disk space?
A. 1 second
B. 1 hour
C. 1 day
D. 1 month
E. 3 months
Answer: A
How do you ensure that operation trace logging is enabled? (Choose two.)
A. Through the Logging Configuration page of the WebUI
B. Through the Setup Logging page of the WebUI
C. By using the CLI log config show command
D. By using the CLI sys prop get command to view the setting of the
sys.proc.syslogd.conf.op_trace property
Answer: A, D
Which two actions remove key material? (Choose two.)A. zeroization of DataFort with destruction of its System CardB. deletion of all manually saved configdb filesC. deletion of all Recovery Key ArchivesD. destruction of Admin CardsAnswer: A, BWhich three factors should be considered when determining the recommended number ofDataFort appliances for any given SAN environment? (Choose three.)A. existing combined bandwidthB. number of locations, both geographic and SAN islandsC. the host operating systemD. the number of devices written toE. multipathing applicationAnswer: A, B, DWhat should be avoided when designing the zone configuration used with DataFort?A. the use of Port Mapped Cryptainer vaults for tape devicesB. two devices having the same WWN within a single fabricC. the WWN of a single device existing in more than one zoneD. the use of LUN Mapped Cryptainer vaults for disk devicesAnswer: BDataFort allows signing of logs to verify _____. (Choose three.)A. that a message is authenticB. the source of a log messageC. the timestamp of a log messageD. that messages are going to the remote serverE. that the remote logging server has proper ACLsAnswer: A, B, CWhich FIPS certification does the FC520 have?A. 140-2, Level 1B. 140-2, Level 2C. 140-2, Level 3D. 140-2, Level 4Answer: CWhich two devices in the diagram require paths through multiple DataFort appliances to maintainpath failover capabilities? (Choose two.)A. Device AB. Device BC. Device CD. Device DE. Device EAnswer: A, EWhich three allow the use of WWN forwarding for Cryptainer creation? (Choose three.)A. hard / port zonesB. soft / WWN zonesC. separate VSANs for DataFort host and storage portsD. separate fabrics for DataFort host and storage portsE. N port virtualizationAnswer: A, C, DWhich two methods allow movement of keys to two standalone LKM servers/appliances (LKM1and LKM2)? (Choose two.)A. establish link between LKM1 and LKM2 appliancesB. register DataFort to both LKM servers and manually initiate a backup to LKM2C. save the configdb manually from DataFort and import the configdb onto LKM2D. translate the keys from LKM1 to LKM2 using a quorum of Recovery CardsAnswer: A, BWhich three statements are true about the DataFort appliance's remote logging capabilities?(Choose three.)A. All DataFort logs can be configured to be sent to a remote Windows-based server.B. The DataFort will retain all critical log entries until manually cleared by a full admin.C. DataFort log storage locations can be configured from the GUI or the CLI.D. DataFort logging can be configured to be sent to a remote syslog server.Answer: A, C, DIn a storage network environment, what are two advantages of using encryption in the applicationon the host? (Choose two.)A. greater granularityB. faster performanceC. more secure keys in system memoryD. greater data encryption across the entire networkAnswer: A, DWhich two defense setting changes are allowed in DataFort? (Choose two.)A. Basic to MediumB. Basic to HighC. High to MediumD. High to BasicAnswer: A, BWhich two DataFort configurations require you to configure a switch with port zoning instead ofWWN zoning? (Choose two.)A. LUN Mapped Cryptainer vaults on an FC-Series DataFort with host virtualization turned OFFB. Port Mapped Cryptainer vaults with no port-forwarding on a single device attached to an FCSeries DataFort with host virtualization turned OFFC. Port Mapped Cryptainer vaults with no port-forwarding on multiple devices attached to an FC-Series DataFort with host virtualization turned OND. Port Mapped and port-forwarded Cryptainer vaults on a single device with port-forwardingattached to an FC-Series DataFort with host virtualization turned OFFE. Port Mapped with port-forwarding Cryptainer vaults on an FC-Series DataFort for devicesconnected to a Fibre Channel switch that supports WWN duplication on different portsAnswer: D, EHow do you capture log and configuration information for a DataFort?A. Use the Config Info button on the Backup page of the WebUIB. Use the Config Info button on the Status page of the WebUIC. Use the CLI system config show commandD. Use the CLI system util techdump os commandAnswer: DWhich two factors should be considered when examining the flow of data through an existingcustomer infrastructure? (Choose two.)A. duplicate paths to a single deviceB. copper versus fiber optic cableC. hard versus soft zoningD. backend replication pathsAnswer: A, DIf your disk array will support 150 MB/s, approximately how long will it take you to complete theEncrypt Empty Disk Task on 100TB of disk space?A. 1 secondB. 1 hourC. 1 dayD. 1 monthE. 3 monthsAnswer: AHow do you ensure that operation trace logging is enabled? (Choose two.)A. Through the Logging Configuration page of the WebUIB. Through the Setup Logging page of the WebUIC. By using the CLI log config show commandD. By using the CLI sys prop get command to view the setting of thesys.proc.syslogd.conf.op_trace propertyAnswer: A, D
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